We believe that free range should mean exactly what it implies. So we give our ROXY™ The Organic Chickens and RANGER® The Free Range Chickens open space to move about freely, both indoors and outdoors. You can find them pecking the ground, taking dust baths, exploring the grass or simply soaking up the sunshine—doing the natural things birds do.
We provide perches, feeders with 100% vegetarian feed, fresh water and other enrichments that they’re free to explore.
Our houses are spacious and open to fresh air, and they provide room for the birds to move about freely. In the evening, the birds come inside to roost in the house, where they’re warm, dry and safe from predators. We also wait to let our flocks outside until they're fully feathered and protected from the elements, which is at about four weeks of age.
Draper Valley Farms provides carefully raised, fresh, local chicken to the Northwest. Our brands include ROXY™ The Organic Chicken, RANGER® The Free Range Chicken and DRAPER VALLEY FARMS® No Antibiotics Ever Chicken.
Draper Valley Farms provides carefully raised, fresh, local chicken to the Northwest. Our brands include ROXY™ The Organic Chicken, RANGER® The Free Range Chicken and DRAPER VALLEY FARMS® No Antibiotics Ever Chicken.